Input one of these color code boxes and click “Calculate” to instantly get your result:
CMYK color model is a subtractive model, while RGB is an additive model. Because the CMYK uses percentages to stand for C, M, Y, and K values, we can subtract them by 1 to get the inverse RGB values. Therefore, we can go through this process to convert CMYK to RGB codes:
The multiplication by 255 scales the value to the RGB range, which is 0-255.
(1 – C) calculates the inverse of the Cyan value, as RGB requires the amount of Red which is opposite to Cyan.
(1 – K) represents the lack of black. The more black (K) you have, the darker the color will be. Hence, we subtract it.
Converting RGB code (Red, Green, Blue) to Hex involves converting decimals to hexadecimal forms.
Take the Red value 255 as an example and divide it by 16:
Feeling dizzy? Let’s take a little practice to understand this mechanism more easily. (Of course, you can always use our all-in-one tool to save your time!) We have derived FF from the R-value of the RGB code. Now try the last two of (255, 87, 51)! Can you convert 87 and 51 back to Hex?
Following the same steps above, we can get the hexadecimal numbers of Green and Blue, which are 57 and 33. Put them in the order of R, G, B, and we have gotten the hex code of (255, 87, 51), which is FF5733.
After you get the two methods above, converting CMYK to hex codes will become pretty easy. First, you convert CMYK to RGB, then RGB to Hex. Here’s a simplified outline:
Hex to RGB code conversion is pretty easy with the following steps:
Similarly, 57 equals 5×161+ 7×160=87 and 33 equals 3×161+ 3×160=51.
Converting RGB to CMYK also involves a specific formula. In the RGB model, Red, Green, and Blue values are expressed in a 0-255 range.
Here, K represents the black value. It’s the minimum among the inverse RGB values, ensuring the darkest color possible. Then, you refine C, M, and Y to reflect the absence of black.
Similar to converting CMYK to Hex, we can convert Hex to CMYK by changing the Hex code to RGB first, and then RGB to CMYK. Simplified steps are:
There you have it. You’ve successfully converted Hex to CMYK!
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